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Godley Green will be an exemplar 21st century Garden Village, capturing the best of local town and country whilst seamlessly integrating into its rural landscape. 


The ambition

Our ambition is for Godley Green to be recognised as a national and international example of modern placemaking. We have the opportunity to respond to the some of the most complex challenges of the 21st Century such as public health, climate change, sustainable food, transport and energy as well as creating new quality homes that future generations will expect.


With its excellent links to the City of Manchester, Hyde town centre, the Pennines and National Park, Godley Green will have a distinctive and truly connected sense of place with seamless integration of new development and infrastructure into its superb natural landscape. 



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Site features

The design of any new place has a direct impact on our health, wellbeing and quality of life. This means that we have a responsibility to ensure that any new development will provide the best possible outcomes for the people that will live, work and play there.

Godley Green has been designed sensitively around existing communities and features to turn an ambitious vision into a real place.


Godley Station

Garden village design influences 

Underpinned by the Garden Village Ethos, five Garden Village Design Influences have been identified to inform the design of the masterplan and reversed matters phases at Godley Green. Each influence, as summarised below, has been analysed to understand the most salient design components to carry forward in the design of Godley Green Garden Village.

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At the junction of town and country

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The below illustration gives examples of how the Garden Village design components and townscape influences have been applied across the site.


A sustainable village

The Sustainability strategy for Godley Green, informed by the 'Energy Statement Report' and Sustainability Statement, sets out how key expectations and design standards for future development. A variety of design principles, across a range of scales, are presented to add detail to and support the design code.

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Net Zero Carbon
for operational use

Life Cycle Assessments
by phase to reduce embedded carbon in buildings

BREEAM communities Excellent
and eventually outstanding

Sustainable Villag

Have your say

Your opinions, thoughts and ideas have been crucial in helping to shape Godley Green into a garden village that we can all take pride in.

Further opportunities to get involved will be provided throughout the continued planning process.

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