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asked questions

We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of common questions and answers about the Godley Green development. This list will be reviewed and updated on a regular basis.



What is a Garden Village

A Garden Village is a derivation of Ebenezer Howard's century-old concept of a Garden

City (Letchworth Garden CityWelwyn Garden CityHampstead Garden SuburbBrentham), a standalone settlement that fuses the best of town and country to foster rounded, healthy lives for its residents. As a 21st century Garden Village, Godley Green will align lessons learnt from other schemes with contemporary values and its distinctive location and setting.


 Although there is no set model for a garden village they should be designed based on the following criteria:

  • Built to a high standard

  • Attractive and well-designed

  • Meet local housing needs in particular the needs of first-time buyers

  • Developed as own separate space with community facilities

A Garden Village will do this by creating its own community infrastructure with good transport links, GPs and schools which in turn will help to create new jobs and boost the local economy.


Where is Godley Green?

Godley Green is located between Hyde to the west, the rail line and Hattersley to the east, Gees Cross to the South West and the A560 Stockport Road to the South.

Why has this location been chosen?

This site is identified in the Greater Manchester Strategic Framework (GMSF) as a strategic location for housing. The GMSF is the Greater Manchester Combined Authority’s plan for homes and jobs, to support sustainable and inclusive growth, across the whole of Greater Manchester.


The Site’s location and its strong transport connections via rail and road make it a sustainable location to focus residential growth and inward investment. In addition the proposed new community site will be able to function because of its location in relation to the nearby larger settlements of Hyde and Hattersley which already has existing services and facilities.


The focus is on a development that evolves sensitively around the existing communities and landscape where people put down their roots for the long-term. There will be a variety of housing types and tenures to support this – beautifully and creatively designed, well-planned and built to last.

Has any external funding been secured to help deliver Godley Green?

The Council has secured £10,000,000 from the Government’s Housing Infrastructure Funding programme. This funding will be used to open up the site for the proposed development. Most of the funding can only be drawn down after a planning consent is confirmed.

Why is the land South of Mottram Old Road included in the Planning Application?

The land to the east of Apple Street and to the South of Mottram Old road is to be included within the Godley Green application to provide bio-diversity improvements and sports facilities. There will be no residential development on this land which will remain in the greenbelt and continue to be used for grazing alongside other uses.


The Council is looking forward to mutually beneficial discussions with the Mottram show  society to both improve the ground for the society’s objectives and unlock the wider benefits. We will be working together on any planning issues that may arise.

What is the local housing need?

The Council needs to deliver circa 10,500 new homes over the next 16 years of the current development plan period. This will allow the Council to meet existing and future housing need across all types and tenures from affordable to executive homes to new homes for first time buyers and older people.

How many houses are you planning to build?

It is proposed that up to 2350 new homes will be built at Godley Green alongside supporting facilities and services. It is anticipated that the new homes will be built out in phases over 15 years. 


The long term vision for Godley Green is to become a long-term asset for the people of Tameside, a development driven by place-making as opposed to just housing numbers.

Why is this development being proposed on a greenfield site?

Tameside Council is promoting Godley Green Garden Village as a unique extension of its built area to meet the needs of its current and future community for homes, jobs, education, health and leisure.

All Councils in England are required to plan for their future social and economic needs. All brownfield land suitable for residential development in Tameside has been identified. As Tameside cannot meet all its requirement of its housing needs assessment on brownfield land, it is promoting Godley Green as a new neighbourhood. If the site does not come forward for development, then the council will be required to find alternative greenfield sites to meet its future housing needs


What types of houses will you build?

The precise type and design of houses will be determined by a design code. This will be submitted with the planning application and all detailed submissions about house types and design will have to comply with the design code. The design code will require high quality design and materials and may well contain guidance about designs respecting local character as well as permitting a range of different house types. The new settlement will have a lot of variety. The Council is also likely to have space standards as part of its planning policy.


The objective is to provide a mix of homes for people of all needs and aspirations. This will include apartments and small houses for first-time buyers, family homes and homes for people who are retired.

Will it all be Executive Homes?

No, there will be a mix of house types and tenures to cater for all needs and aspirations. The aim is to create a mixed, healthy and balanced community. 

Will there be housing for single people and the elderly - not just care homes?

Yes, there will be housing for all ages and needs, for first-time buyers and downsizers. The aim is to create cohesive, mixed communities, that choose to live, bring up their families, work and retire in Godley Green.

Will the new homes be for rent or sale?

There will be a mix of tenures with housing for rent and sale.

Will there be any social and affordable housing?

Yes, affordable housing will include a mix of affordable home ownership, affordable rent and social rent. 

Will the Council define the number of affordable houses or will that be up to the developer to decide?

The Council's current policy is for 15% of affordable homes across new development.

Will a lack of employment in the area mean everyone will have to commute out, making this a dormitory village?

The world of working is changing at a rapid rate. The Council understands that the City remains an economic driver for growth so having access to two train stations and excellent cycling and public transport will be critical to the sustainability of Godley Green.


While inevitably there will be some out-commuting, this should be balanced against the employment opportunities that will be provided locally, through new business development, people working from home and jobs created within the schools, health facilities and shops.


Covid 19 has meant that people have had to normalise working from home. New homes proposed at Godley Green will need to reflect this reality to ensure they are equipped and flexible for a lifestyle that includes home working.

What sort of employment opportunities will there be in the Garden Village?

It is anticipated that the types of new jobs created will be in the following sectors:

  • Retail,

  • Administration and Management,

  • Apprenticeships,

  • Sport and Recreation,

  • Care and Support,

  • Education and early years,

  • Higher education,

  • Health,

  • Construction,

  • Maintenance and Stewardship,

  • Hotel and hospitality,

  • Live - Work,

  • Creative industries and makers,

  • Technology.

Are you going to make sure local people can access the jobs on the development and provide apprenticeships? 

Yes – the link between potential investment in Godley Green to economic growth in Tameside is critically important. The Council will capture the social value that will be created as a result of the potential investment that would be attracted by a new settlement at Godley Green. It is anticipated that transformational change can be realised in both Hattersley and Hyde as a result of new jobs and apprentices created in construction and their associated supply chains.


The Council will work with local schools and colleges so that local young people have access to all of the employment opportunities anticipated at Godley Green.


The development will provide a range of over 8,000 jobs and apprenticeships during the construction period and over 300 jobs post completion in community services and the local centers.

Why can't brownfield sites be used, or the many vacant properties in other areas?

There are relatively few opportunities to build at the scale that needs to be planned for on brownfield land.


When using brownfield land for development it often takes a piecemeal approach which doesn’t allow for co-ordinated delivery of the additional serviced required, such as health and education services, in suitable locations. If new developments do not provide these services in a thought out way then it places additional strain on what are often already stretched services.


The existing highway infrastructure will not be able to support any increase in traffic from the new development.

We have been working closely with the Greater Manchester Combined Authority, Highways England and other transport operators to create a cohesive plan for access and travel. 

What about increased traffic congestion as a result of the new development?

It is our objective to encourage people to use their private cars less. This will protect the environment and encourage people to be more active while also minimising air and noise pollution from traffic.

Will there be adequate on and off-street parking for these additional homes?

A variety of types of parking are being considered – we’re aware of the concerns people have regarding the potential number of cars there might be at Godley Green. Lower density homes and neighbourhoods may offer a more traditional driveway for multiple cars, while higher density areas of terrace houses could feature on-road parking. Undercroft parking is also an option for apartment buildings.

Will there be cycleways, walkways and bridleways included in the plans?

A network of new cycleways, walkways and bridleways will be created to allow easy and safe access around the site and provide connections to existing routes. 

Will there be hi-speed broadband for the development?

High speed/ultrafast broadband will be built into the development from the outset and will provide wider benefits to existing residents and the adjoining villages. 

Utilities and services

What about water supply? Is there capacity to provide for such a large development?

We have consulted with the utility supplier who has confirmed that there is capacity to supply the whole garden village.


We also plan to use Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) and water sensitive urban design. This will involve using designs that encourage rainwater harvesting, encourage treated waste-water recycling and allow surface water to be collected and managed within the site so that it can then be used in different ways.

How is the wildlife and ecology on the site being managed and protected?

The Council has been undertaking ecology surveys across the site since early 2018 in order to gain the fullest possible picture of the flora and fauna across the site. Through this work, we have been able to understand and identify areas of sensitivity that require protection, consider the impact of our initial masterplan layouts and plan areas of mitigation planting as well as explore opportunities to enhance wildlife and habitats. 


The masterplan includes natural green space, inclusion of good sized gardens for most homes, extensive tree planting, allotments and parks which will all create a significant range of new habitats over the existing open landscape. The site will deliver a 10% increase in bio-diversity while protecting Werneth Brook and Brookfold Wood.

What about flooding? The area is aready at risk of flooding and new development here poses a greater threat to lower lying areas such as Hyde.

We have consulted with utility providers and statutory bodies to develop a robust approach to managing the flood risk. 


By incorporating Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) and water sensitive urban design into the masterplan, we are aiming to develop a futureproof and high quality strategy. This will involve using designs that encourage rainwater harvesting, encourage treated waste-water recycling and allow surface water to be collected and managed within the site so that it can then be used in different ways.


What does a planning application for a development like this contain/involve?

The planning application that we submit will be for up to 2350 homes. It will set out plans for how the first homes, supporting facilities and services will be built out in phases. Much of the detail will therefore come forward in subsequent phases with each phase requiring permission for the detail to be approved by the council in consultation with stakeholders and the local community. 

When will the planning begin?

The planning application for the Garden Village will be submitted in Spring 2021. Once submitted, local people and statutory bodies will have the opportunity to comment formally on the proposals. Planning applications are normally determined by the local planning authority (sometimes via committee). 

How can I give my feedback, have my say and stay involved?

You can stay up to date by regular visits to the Godley Green Garden Village website at


We will be holding community consultation events that will take place online. This is due to the restrictions placed on travel and gatherings during the Coivd-19 pandemic. There will be the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback at these events as well as completing more detailed feedback forms that can also be found online.


Online consultation sessions are taking place on Wednesday, 24 March at 2 till 3.30pm and Thursday, 25 March at 6 till 7.30pm. These sessions can be booked on the Get Involved page. 


More details will be provided when a planning application has been submitted and a new consultation period has begun. 




Have your say

Your opinions, thoughts and ideas are crucial in helping to shape Godley Green into a garden village that we can all take pride in. This is your opportunity to get involved.

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